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I bought a crane

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You would be the coolest neighbor ever! Every guy in the neighborhood is probably going to ask to use it!

What Detroit engine does this have? 6-71? And what kinda plans do you have for this rig? Very cool! 

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47 minutes ago, h67st said:

If they replaced the quick release because it was leaking, it's probably a shaft seal on one of the maxi chambers.

I've crawled around looking for obvious leaks, I ran a couple of screws into one of the tanks, that got it so it will build up air, but no other obvious leaks.

Airbrakes are a foreign language to me.

One of mybrothers buddies claims to be an airbrake guru, I may have to have him look at it

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15 hours ago, Truelove said:

20240706_145603_copy_3024x2268.thumb.jpg.bb68b285ea33b8f65be4bbbf0ed05779.jpg20240712_142737_copy_3024x2268.thumb.jpg.963519dce2fdca1ae024a39b82c6acd9.jpgGrove on a pierce carrier. 

Detroit up and down, 13 sp and 4 speed splitter. Runs good, but have to jump the starter and shut down under the hood. I'll prolly rig a cable for shutdown. 

Builds air, but loses it when the park valve is pushed in. The quick release valve was bad and replaced, but didn't fix it.

I'm going to get the start issues first, then work on the brakes.


Most likely an air can on the back axle,not to hard to replace just do not try to take one apart,big spring inside ….


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real nice piece of inventory. cranes and road graders always had my vote.  looks to be a CCC cab. best of luck .  brake system definitely a first priority. customer owed me some $$$$ '  took his mobile  crane instead to assemble my 30X50 shop.  fun build. 

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11 hours ago, Truelove said:

I am going to build a shipping container house, and renting at my work pace would have cost me a fortune. 

My brother said I am building a container house as an excuse to get a crane.

The engine sizes I'm not sure about.

The previous owner spent a bunch of money on tires and wheels, usually older trucks and equipment need tires first thing.



I noticed that right away they looked unusually good 

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1 hour ago, mrsmackpaul said:

It pays to remember just how long ago the late 90's was

To me it was only was yesterday, but machinery it is a 1/4 of a century 

Were did that go ??

I guess, don't be to critical of previous owners



Ya, I know.

Seems like last year

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2 hours ago, tjc transport said:

most days my brain tells me i am still 25-30............than i try to do something stupid and my body tells me i am 168.

Just had one of those days, today, Pulling apart my Saab Turbo, engine sits on top of the trans, Lots of hard work, until I hit the wall and couldn't stand, and had to sit., couldn't find anything I just had it , time to quit for the day.

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6 hours ago, Freightrain said:

Very cool toy.  Another bucket list item I have no room for.  Id settle for a little platform crane?  Just because.


I have to constantly remind people I qualify for senior discount!  Looking young is a plus.  Feeling old isn't!

Platform crane like this?



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