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I bought this 1987 Superliner with the E9-500 and drove it home over 300 miles.  It would barely run up to 1,400 rpm and little power above 1,000 rpm.  Thinking that since it had zero maintenance for what looked like a decade I was hoping it was going to be plugged fuel filters or old fuel lines.  After getting home I replaced the air filter, fuel filters, fuel lines from the tank, had the turbo rebuilt, checked for intercooler leaks, intake gasket leaks and fuel pressure after the lift pump was around 25 psi at idle.  But still zero boost.  Puff limiter was pulled before I bought the truck.  It idles smooth and runs up to 1,700 rpm but no power above about 1,000 rpm or so.  Has dual exhaust and doesn't seem like it is plugged.  I checked the fuel return check valve and everything looked intact. Even pinched the return line some with a c clamp incase the spring was weak in the return check valve.  What do I check now?


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Sounds like the pump to me, does it have the Ambac pump? I would check to see if the intercooler is internally plugged (check the pressure at both ends) then look over the whole turbo system again. If all checks out it might be time to get that pump off and get it checked. 

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Yes the v style Ambac pump.  I pulled the boost tube after the intercooler and it was getting a ton of air pushed through from the turbo so I figured it wasn't blocked up with oil residue. I been thinking it was the pump for awhile but hoping I was missing something cheaper. The only pump shop within a few hours said they don't have parts to rebuild the pump. I also surfaced the exhaust manifolds and checked for cracks in the exhaust feeding the turbo.  Should I check for fuel pressure from the lift pump at full throttle and if so how many psi should it hold?

Edited by 1951 Mack LJ
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I've read about some E9 owners swapping the Ambac pump for an inline Bosch but it takes quite a bit of work (and $$). Not a pump expert but someone on here should have some answers. 

Edit: To test a CAC properly you have to check air PSI before and after it goes through the cooler.

Do you have the book for the E9? I can PM it to you if you need it. 


Edited by BOBWhite
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  • 4 months later...

Hook a gauge up where the fuel line goes into the pump, and take it for a run to see what the fuel pressure is doing. If you don't do that, you are just firing the parts cannon


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  • 1 month later...

Well seems like everything i have done has helped a little.  Pulled injectors and had rebuilt.  That helped a fair amount. What really woke this old truck up was pulling the side covers off the v pump and spraying about half a large can of WD40 on the linkages and all parts inside.worked the throttle by hand a bunch and sprayed more WD40. Let it soak for 24 hours and then drove it.  Running strong now.  Empty on small hills near home was building over 20 psi boost on the factory gauge and pulling hard.  Put about 15 ton of dirt in the box and drove around the property and you wouldn't know it was loaded.

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