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Getting Weight for Non-Runner

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Howdy, everybody.

I've got myself an obscure truck to restore that I'd like to get titled and registered. I've got the title signed over from the last owner and a bill of sale. However, the DMV has been giving me a hard time about its curb weight, and they claim that a certified scale weight is the only way to get it. It does technically start and drive, but it's in no shape to drive on the road to get to a scale. Besides, it's currently in Ohio until I can arrange shipping for it.

Now, in my state (Washington), the law that specifies the determination of scale weight is WAC 308.96A.101. This lists five other methods besides a certified scale to obtain the weight. I've tried pointing this out to the clerks at the DMV, but none of them will hear any of it. Which means I can't get it registered. Which isn't optimal.

So, a couple of questions. Firstly, has anyone here had any luck with a particular Washington DMV/DOL office when it comes to registering old iron? Secondly, what have you all done to get the weight of non-runners? Would something like the general factory spec sheet work?

And to clarify, I was not able to locate a data plate with the curb weight on it; only the GVW. If worse comes to worst, I was just going to have it towed to a scale once I get it here, then finally get it registered, but that costs more than I'd like to spend. So, any input is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, all!

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data plate is customizable. stamp it with reverse stamps from the back.??maybe????  but if your law saying it acceptable one way then they have to accept it. unless there was a change. Most workers dont know all the rules and you knowing a piece of info they dont have nor want to verify you'll need to go over their head. i have had this issue but only had to go one through one DMV worker. advise to check if there is a weighted scale for registration ie heavier cost more, to figure where you want to register at, you might want to go less then truck is made for. but that is one reason no dry weight. sometimes truck dont have body and all accessories so finishing company weights it after everything is installed. some placards dont even have a line for empty weight, i dont recall any of mines having empty or curb weight.

what are those other 4 methods to get wieght per WAC 308.96A.101?

maybe mack museum has some records of your build contact them.

mobile wheel scales 


Edited by glenbjackson
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I had a similar issue while transferring a title on an old truck in Washington State. 

I found a prior registration in the truck that had scale weight information on it.  The clerk accepted that during the title transfer.

Cost to tow it to a scale for weight purposes is going to pale in comparison to transport costs from Ohio to Washington though...

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I was going to suggest the same thing but here in Nevada the vehicle has to be inspected by the DMV before they will give you a fresh registration if it hasn’t been registered in a number of years and it’s out of their computer. Good luck.bob

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And yes, towing is not an option last I heard it was around 1000 bucks just to hook it up and then might charge you commercial rate for travel to and from the vehicle. It’s pretty much cheaper to rent a tractor and drop deck and do it yourself best route mack Museum 

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If you are going to put antique/historical plates on it someone in your chapter should (??) know how to deal with the state DMV or maybe know the right DMV office to go to..

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 @Humbird when you have the truck hauled across the county you should be able to get the truck doing the hauling weighed before and after loading - depending upon what else the driver is hauling - unless of course you are trying to get it registered before you move it…

Any photos of the rig?  We all love photos! 😎

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