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The Debate - Trump vs Harris 2024


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6 hours ago, harrybarbon said:

I watched the debate. The moderators were not so objective and failed to ask vital questions, such as the possible "WEALTH TAX". What are all the wealthy celebrities, like De Niro, saying about this potential new tax? AN UNREALISED GAIN TAX. This has been floated here in Australia by the CEO of our largest bank recently. Strange KH says the same!!!!! This real proposal is a direct attack on the people who have worked damn hard all their lives, spent their money wisely, gone without, took care of their families and saved for their future, because no govt can or will ever take good care of the people. Now the fruit is ripe, it is going to be picked and enjoyed by those who have waited for the picking.

Trump generally seemed to contain himself and had no slip of his mind or memory in the way the media has been trying to portray. KH seemed not to control herself by interrupting him a number of times, when she was rattled. Despite all the "VIBE/FEEL GOOD" around KH, she did not give any real achievable plans/proposals to explain why she should be the next President.

She admitted that she and her running mate, Waltz, BOTH OWN GUNS - wow, why has that never been written by the media!!!! Yet they say GUN CONTROL. Is that blatant hypocrisy?

Trump was correct to say that Europe should look after its region and backyard, but KH had nothing to say about the long ongoing $BILLIONS of USA support/subsidies/protection whilst the Europeans have for many years enjoyed the benefits of early retirement, fat govt pensions, fully paid long holidays, a high standard of living and US military defense.

I hope the US people can see beyond the VIBE. I was looking to see if KH radiated as a world leader, it was not visible. I saw a govt prosecutor. Being a female has no relevance. There was no conviction in her voice. KH is not a Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady PM. There was a reason why KH received zero votes against Biden for the Democrat 2020 nomination. Please, can anyone say who is running the USA now? Is there an active President in Office when we need a world leader?

You're not supposed to notice any of those things you mentioned.  

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14 hours ago, harrybarbon said:

Please, can anyone say who is running the USA now? Is there an active President in Office when we need a world leader?

So l wrote this short letter to (my, not by choice) NH Senator Jean Shaheen (D) on 9-3-24.

Senator Shaheen, As of Sept. 03 2024 who the hell is running this country? Joe Biden is on an endless tax payer financed  vacation. The man has no idea as to what day of the week it is. Never mind knowing as to what is happening in this country or across the world.  Kamala Harris with not a single vote in her favor has claimed the Presidential torch. Being on the campaign trail day after day. Again on the tax payer's dime. She has not the slightest clue as to what she is doing. 
Thank you for your time and look forward to a speedy answer.
And on 9-5-24 l receive this answer from Sen. Shaheen
 Thank you for contacting my office. I appreciate hearing your thoughts on issues that matter to you. It is an honor to represent the state of New Hampshire in the United States Senate.

As a United States Senator, I am constrained by the Senate Code of Official Conduct put forth by the Senate Select Committee on Ethics from commenting in my official capacity on matters related to political campaigns. However, please know that I believe strongly that free and fair elections are the bedrock of our democracy, and there is nothing more important to preserving our democracy than exercising your right to vote.

In times like these, I believe it is in the best interest of the United States for all Americans to put aside political and ideological differences and work together to address the challenges facing our communities. I remain committed to working in a bipartisan manner with my colleagues from both sides of the aisle on the issues that are important to New Hampshire and the country. Please continue to engage your local, state and federal officials on issues that are important to you – your efforts and advocacy are the only way we as Granite Staters and as Americans continue to move forward.

For political matters related to the upcoming elections in New Hampshire, I encourage you to reach out to the New Hampshire Democratic Party at office@nhdp.org or the New Hampshire Republican Party at info@nhgop.org  With questions or concerns about how elections are conducted in our state, please reach out to the New Hampshire Secretary State’s Elections Division at (603) 271-3242.

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me, and please do not hesitate to contact my office with any future concerns.


Jeanne Shaheen
United States Senator

So in other words, l still don't know who is running the show!    .....Hippy

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I forgot to ask this question Guuy's...   Didnt they say before the debate that there will NOT be monitors, pre-wrriten notes, and one other form of communication that can prompt them on answers, but I saw KH taking notes as they debated...  Am I missing something? 

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Joey, l think it was two breaks, water, and a note pad. They are saying KH had ear phone equipped ear rings. lDK?



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2 hours ago, 70mackMB said:

Joey, l think it was two breaks, water, and a note pad. They are saying KH had ear phone equipped ear rings. lDK?



James Bond technology is no fantasy. This week a scandal has been exposed in the Italian govt. The culture minister's lover (she has 2 economic degrees - a smart cunning lady) has released many videos and voice recordings all taken by her RayBan glasses, that had mini microphone and camera. The minister has conceded it is true.

Rule nothing out.

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5 hours ago, Joey Mack said:

I just watched CBS news, and the last story was a heart string story about Hatians in Springfield Ohio..  and of course quoted Mr. Trump, about eating dog's..  I work with a guy who has an uncle that does mission work in Haiti..  He said that in the street markets, Dog's are being cooked on 'spits'.

      Its amazing how fast the Lib news can move on creating a story, less than a day later, to try to show Mr. Trump as a crazy person..  anyway...  I aint gonna lie,,,  I am trully nervous about Nov. 5th...  I dont trust the Lib's ...  they are crazy and they cheat !!


Whatever the number of illegal immigrants, 10-20 million. I am wondering, where do they get their food and how do they get their food. What about housing, where are they living? Surely, when they arrive and where ever they go, they cant just magically get a job, money and food, so how do they feed themselves? Even 10 million, that is like 40% of the Australian population, that's a lot of mouths to feed daily.

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6 hours ago, Joey Mack said:

I just watched CBS news, and the last story was a heart string story about Hatians in Springfield Ohio..  and of course quoted Mr. Trump, about eating dog's..  I work with a guy who has an uncle that does mission work in Haiti..  He said that in the street markets, Dog's are being cooked on 'spits'.

      Its amazing how fast the Lib news can move on creating a story, less than a day later, to try to show Mr. Trump as a crazy person..  anyway...  I aint gonna lie,,,  I am trully nervous about Nov. 5th...  I dont trust the Lib's ...  they are crazy and they cheat !!

Years ago, while I was working as a FF/EMT, there was a street in the city that had 4 apartment complexes, two on each side of the street, that housed hundreds of folks from a specific Southeast Asian country.  Just past them, just before the dead end of the street, was one house that had been turned into a kennel.  We called it "The Puppy Farm".  In addition, the city's animal control officer never had any strays to pick up.  I have no doubt that there is truth in Trump's story!

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10 minutes ago, GA_Dave said:

Years ago, while I was working as a FF/EMT, there was a street in the city that had 4 apartment complexes, two on each side of the street, that housed hundreds of folks from a specific Southeast Asian country.  Just past them, just before the dead end of the street, was one house that had been turned into a kennel.  We called it "The Puppy Farm".  In addition, the city's animal control officer never had any strays to pick up.  I have no doubt that there is truth in Trump's story!

Interesting, media will not publish the real information. Dr Sebastian Gorka an advisor to Trump was interviewed by our local morning show today. He said he interviewed an informed person on his podcast. This person said/quoted there is a recent official police report in Minnesota, quote - there were 8 children killed after a botched abortion. If true, I doubt the main stream media would publish this real information. The sad reality is that life is damn difficult for a big part of the population, for whatever reason, it always has been so, the WOKES/LALA's choose to ignore it, they won't do anything for these sufferers, never. 

Gorka quoted Clinton, "it is the economy stupid", he quoted that under Biden/Harris food cost has risen an average of 40% and average mortgage payments have risen from $800 to $1,700 per month, he said the pendulum was unlikely to swing after the debate and it was the middle group that will decide the result. Fuel costs are up I hear from US citizens, one Afro-American lady from Alabama said her monthly gas payments are double under Biden/Harris and she will vote Trump when she was better off.    

We have similar economic pain here. My insurance broker gave me figures this week to review our insurance cover values, the costs of various building materials. Since 2021 costs have increased the fastest since 1981. Last year the average cost rise was 16%, (after big rises since 2021), but within that rise steel, timber, copper, cables etc were up between 26% to 44%. Wages have not risen anywhere near this increase.

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Harry, 10-20 million is a lot. I can only use my town for example. We have thousands of mexicans here. All of our houses, streets, and landscpaing is done by them, we have roads with miles of mexican businesses, mechanic shops, and grocery stores and restaurants. They are everywhere. Most dont speak english, and all have wads of cash in their pockets. We also have places here that help people enter our society here. My wife works for a large grocery store company and tells me often about the free money they have on debit cards provided by our govt.  Just one county, in a state with 100 counties, in a country with 50 states .  jojo

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On 9/11/2024 at 4:27 AM, Mark T said:

It's true Jojo.  Trump missed a  lot of opportunities there last night.   Lots of BS and meanwhile...... it keeps costing all of us.

Not sure what’s up with that guy I thought he did a lousy job campaigning last trip around. I thought he would’ve come up b

with a lot more force plenty of ammunition. I don’t know what the deal is. The other side has nothing Dummy up for Christ sakes before we get stuck with that system sucking power hungry transgender…. Bob

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9 hours ago, harrybarbon said:

Whatever the number of illegal immigrants, 10-20 million. I am wondering, where do they get their food and how do they get their food. What about housing, where are they living? Surely, when they arrive and where ever they go, they cant just magically get a job, money and food, so how do they feed themselves? Even 10 million, that is like 40% of the Australian population, that's a lot of mouths to feed daily.

Harry you are doing a hell of a job posting on our political dilemmas. :clap:🍻  lll try to help some here.   .....Hippy

You can click on the PDF icon for more info. (lt worked for me)


Overview of Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Programs

PDF-40px.jpgLast revised APRIL 2024

This table provides an overview of immigrant eligibility for the major federal public assistance programs. (Download it by clicking on the PDF icon at right.) The programs listed in the table are the following:

  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Emergency Medicaid (includes labor and delivery)
  • Full-Scope Medicaid
  • Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
  • Medicare “Premium-Free” Part A (hospitalization) (Eligibility based on work history.)
  • Premium “Buy-in” Medicare
  • HUD Public Housing and Section 8 Programs
  • Title XX Block Grants
  • Social Security
  • Other Federal Public Benefits Subject to Welfare Law’s Restrictions
  • Benefits Exempt from Welfare Law’s Restrictions

Some states provide assistance to immigrants who are not eligible for federally funded services.

Key terms used in the table include the following:

“Qualified” immigrants are: (1) lawful permanent residents (LPRs); (2) refugees, asylees, persons granted withholding of de­portation/removal, conditional entry (in effect prior to Apr. 1, 1980), or paroled into the U.S. for at least one year; (3) Cu­ban/Haitian entrants (as defined in 45 C.F.R. § 401.2); (4) battered spouses and children with a pending or approved (a) self-petition for an immigrant visa, or (b) immigrant visa filed for a spouse or child by a U.S. citizen or LPR, or (c) application for cancellation of removal/suspension of deportation, whose need for benefits has a substantial connection to the battery or cruelty (parent/child of such battered child/ spouse are also “qualified”); (5) victims of trafficking and their derivative beneficiaries who have obtained a T visa or whose ap­plication for a T visa sets forth a prima facie case. (A broader group of trafficking victims who are certified by or receive an eligibility letter from the Office of Refugee Resettlement are eligible for benefits funded or administered by federal agencies, without regard to their im­migration status); and (6) Individuals who lawfully reside in the U.S. pursuant to a Compact of Free Association (COFA).

“Not qualified” immigrants include all noncitizens who do not fall under the “qualified” immigrant categories.

Everything is FREE in Emerica!!🎺 🎺

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Seeing reactions to Trumps cat comment makes me wonder how sheltered some people really are. I know quite a few immigrants and people whos parents are illegal immigrants and even they don't deny that stuff like that happens. 

How do people NOT see this kinda stuff?! Where in the world are these people living with no interactions with illegal immigrants? 

Edited by BOBWhite
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