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OK, the wife got after me to start picking up our leaves. Yes we have a bit of foliage here not like you guys back there but just when I’m gonna get started. It’s supposed to rain at 10 o’clock or start raining ain’t that a bitch? I don’t think it has rain here in three months. 

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I would blow mine towards the woods on one side in the front yard and into the woods behind the house. By the time they were all gone I would have a wall of leaves almost chest deep.

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Well, I got everything out ready to take care of them and it started raining really hard. No everything is soaking wet so much for my fancy idea ha ha even bought a brand new blower. I was anxious to try out.oh well more TV

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12 hours ago, BOBWhite said:

Just elm and cotton wood trees around my house so hardly any leaves. I hate those stupid pod trees though, they smell funny and I can't ever remember there name. 

Well duh....stupid pod things 


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  • 3 weeks later...

I just happened to run across a picture of the leaves in the yard when I lived in Gladys.


That's the big "wall of leaves" at the edge of the from yard.



Leaves on the ground, and the gas powered leaf relocation device.

Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Yeah, well I just about cleaned up my whole yard and we had a lot of trees that had not quit dripping leaves yet so yes right now I have to redo the entire yard which should be a little easier than the first go around. I already filled up 18 bags it looks like I got another, eight or so to go 

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I've got mostly maples in my yard, planted them myself many years ago. Also a couple of oaks. Had a few birch trees too but mostly swapped them with firs which are seamless in the case of fallen leaves. The maples accompanied by oaks make a big job every authumn and I have to fill up 5 or 6 big sacks of old stuff and relocate it to a ditch along a side of my second property. This year turned out very short on time and I missed the moment. Yesterday's storm brang a few santimeters of snow onto the ground which cancelled the deal so far. The forecast promises warming back up in the next week so I foresee some gim with dirty wet stuff soon.

It was fun a couple decades ago to put a hill of old leaves on fire. Fun for me and not for neighbours who built big houses close to my place so no such games anymore (but who knows?:))

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Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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Hey vlad, I was wondering if you guys had weeping Willows we had them in  East Coast. I do not see them out here for some reason and yes, I was also worried about whether turning the shit before I get a chance to pick up all of them not the matter of life and death. I was just trying  to get them all picked up before if it doesn’t happen no big deal yes we also use the burn leaves when I was a kid moved west in 1980 so I don’t know if people still do it back there burning leaves out here is not very common… bob

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Weeping Willows? A kind of this? They grow here, not very common. I don't know why. Usually you see them near a river or a pond. Those in the picture were catched in Belorussia. It's 1000km to the West from my place and a little souther. But in general the same environment.


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Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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