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Try to post a picture it won’t take it and I am not home on the computer, but we are in San Diego right at the ocean. I have no complaints at all and I can’t find anything to complain about. I am right in front of the sailor, kissing the nurse. Monument. In Coronado Island.

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Happy Thanksgiving everybody! 

I smoked a turkey yesterday so I think I have the day off today. I sliced it last night too, and it was moist, tender, and delicious. I just hope it doesn't get dry as a chip by dinner time because it's already sliced. 

I cut the drumsticks and wings off, sliced the breastesess, pulled the rest of the meat off, and boiled the rest down to make broth. 

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Well, I was going to brine then smoke our turkey,,,,  But my Boss said NO !...   anyway, its in the oven right now on low...


Happy Turkey Day ALL !!

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I was going to brine ours too but I just didn't get around to it. But I did sort of "dry brine" it. I bought some kind of Cajun seasoning one time that was in the discount bin. I never used it because it was too salty for anything. It was saltier than salt. So I coated the turkey with it yesterday morning and wrapped it up and left it for a few hours, then I wiped off as much of it as I could and put the regular rub on it and in it. The salt draws the moisture out of the skin, so it'll crispify when it cooks. Worked great, the turkey wasn't dry at all and the skin was crispy.

And ever since I smoked the first turkey many years ago I've never cooked one any other way, it's that good.

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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Oh, I forgot why I didn't get around to brining the turkey. I made a 7 1/2 gallon pot of stew Tuesday. I canned some so Vicki from Florida can take some back to Florida with her. Oh, Vicki from Florida is here this week. We've been going to Vicki from Florida's the last several years for Thanksgiving and the big car show, the Turkey Run in Daytona. Hated to miss it, but we have a cone-head dog with an injured eye, and we have to take her back to the vet Monday or Tuesday. We made all the stew to give most of it away to family and friends, and I hope to make another one before Christmas. It came out really good this time too. Making stew is a pretty big deal around these parts. The first one I made for a fundraiser, many years ago, sold for $4 a quart. Now the going rate is $10 a quart. 



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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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6 hours ago, other dog said:

Oh, I forgot why I didn't get around to brining the turkey. I made a 7 1/2 gallon pot of stew Tuesday. I canned some so Vicki from Florida can take some back to Florida with her. Oh, Vicki from Florida is here this week. We've been going to Vicki from Florida's the last several years for Thanksgiving and the big car show, the Turkey Run in Daytona. Hated to miss it, but we have a cone-head dog with an injured eye, and we have to take her back to the vet Monday or Tuesday. We made all the stew to give most of it away to family and friends, and I hope to make another one before Christmas. It came out really good this time too. Making stew is a pretty big deal around these parts. The first one I made for a fundraiser, many years ago, sold for $4 a quart. Now the going rate is $10 a quart. 



That ain't stew!!!!!  It looks the same as what my REBEL (GA Born)wife makes and it is vegetable soup!!! Stew is made with chunks of beef, brown gravy, and onions, mushrooms, ETC... 

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30 minutes ago, Brocky said:

That ain't stew!!!!!  It looks the same as what my REBEL (GA Born)wife makes and it is vegetable soup!!! Stew is made with chunks of beef, brown gravy, and onions, mushrooms, ETC... 



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Dinty Moore doesn't know his a$$ from his elbow, I guarantee mine's is better than his🤣.

It has beef and chicken in it, along with diced tomatoes, green beans, corn, butter beans, peas, potatoes, onions, and carrots. 

I would have put more beef in it, but Zina said "that's plenty".  I say you can't have too much, I agree with what Jeff Moore (no relation to Dinty) said- "I want a piece of beast in every bite".

It's really good though, I'm going to mail you a bowl of it if I can find a stamp.

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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