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Thats where it belongs... We cant have white girls be number. 1...  There should be some crying coming out about Kaitlin Clark.  She was voted A.P.'s Female athlete of the year..  i cant believe they said, "female"...   K.C. was taking a beating in every college game, and pro games, by non-white players, and rarely a penalty called. I watched about 8 games or so with her because i was proud of her..  She is a victim of racism for sure. Even a WNBA big wig took issue with K.C.'s award.  Then, K.C. had to go and say something stupid, but hopefully, she stops that junk.  She is a great Baller..

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well i don't know who she is,,,,but joey,,i figured you or TJ  would respond to this happy horseshit with the proper comments for the occasion,,clearly some empty headed left wing,,,,brought this no talent time waster to instant stardom,,,,,no matter how many  feelings they had to hurt that deserved that title,,,,another case of sleezy joe and his gang getting involded with anything but running this place,,,,,,

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that cow is a hippity hopper or crapper. definitely aint no country artist. unless they consider the ghetto a country.

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when you are up to your armpits in alligators,

it is hard to remember you only came in to drain the swamp..

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OK TJ I knew you would top all of us. That was just hilarious. I’ve heard her sing before and she has no talent let alone country. I’m sure most of you remember that chick upfront for trick pony I thought she was amazing. Just one of the favorites I can think of off hand Besides the obvious

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