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These trucks have parts are made of unobtanium. There is hardly ANY support for them, so it will be a nightmare repairing them. Rockauto has some parts available, but other than that, you'd be screwed. I've had several owners asking us for parts, and no matter how hard I try, it comes up dry. As a Mack parts guy, I can't recommend these trucks based entirely on that. I have no clue how they perform, whether or not they're reliable, etc., just on how hard it is to supply parts for them... 

I don't know, maybe eBay would be a good source, but it's up to you, the owner, whether or not you are ok with it being down while you search for parts...

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Midliners were really good trucks, heck, 20+ years ago when i worked at Mack in Maine, the parts were hard to get and those that came in, came frome France..

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11 hours ago, kscarbel2 said:

The Mid-Liner is an excellent truck. However, Volvo prefers not to offer parts for trucks older than 15 years.

yup its unfortunate ! I only ever rebuilt one of these ! They were a bullet proof little engines!  Very few issues! And because of this, as mentioned parts were always an issue! 

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The proverbial once a quarter midliner parts thread......Forget the midliner and get something that has service support and parts availability. Honestly a midliner could be free and I probably wouldn't take it simply because they are next to impossible to get basic wear items for and they will cost you 10x over what you would otherwise pay for a competitive truck in downtime alone. They may technically be a good robust truck but at this point they are essentially worthless..

With that said, I always wondered if parts are available through a Renault dealer in France. I mean if you could speak the language and find a dealer / parts supplier in France could you get the parts that way?

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I was just wondering the same thing parts over there were probably all over the place seems like the mid liner kind of came and went over here and that was probably the biggest issue middle 80s. They were everywhere and Southern California mostly boxtrucks

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Sold over here as the Renault midliner they were a great truck.The cab was shared by 4 truck companys Renault Magirus Deutz Volvo and Daf and was known as the Club of 4 cab.Reliable comfortable great perfomance and good MPG.they were everywhere in Europe back in the 80s.I havent seen one in about ten years but they come up for sale often on Vintage sales sites.I dont know how good parts supply is but I'll ask a few heads I know.Shipping to the US could be costly.If I had room I'd have one....


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2 hours ago, cruiseliner64 said:

Sold over here as the Renault midliner they were a great truck.The cab was shared by 4 truck companys Renault Magirus Deutz Volvo and Daf and was known as the Club of 4 cab.Reliable comfortable great perfomance and good MPG.they were everywhere in Europe back in the 80s.I havent seen one in about ten years but they come up for sale often on Vintage sales sites.I dont know how good parts supply is but I'll ask a few heads I know.Shipping to the US could be costly.If I had room I'd have one....




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15 hours ago, 67RModel said:

The proverbial once a quarter midliner parts thread......Forget the midliner and get something that has service support and parts availability. Honestly a midliner could be free and I probably wouldn't take it simply because they are next to impossible to get basic wear items for and they will cost you 10x over what you would otherwise pay for a competitive truck in downtime alone. They may technically be a good robust truck but at this point they are essentially worthless..

With that said, I always wondered if parts are available through a Renault dealer in France. I mean if you could speak the language and find a dealer / parts supplier in France could you get the parts that way?

thats what i am wondering, to my understanding this was a pretty widely used engine. im just trying to figure out which output is in the truck im looking at. does anyone know if this is a liner engine ?

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