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Phelan and LaCrosse  made a bunch of those. They end up making the rounds of farmers etc as they are too short to haul much that is around today.

Couldn't use to to go after a truck, too short, Might work for an antique tractor.

Use is limited in today's world is all I am trying to say.

That one has tubeless tires at least from what I can see, that is a good thing.

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most of them were also too short on the pickup plate for tandems unless you had a sliding 5th wheel and slid it back over the rear axle. 

when you are up to your armpits in alligators,

it is hard to remember you only came in to drain the swamp..

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When we bought the MB it came with a '58 15T single axle Phelan. Thinking there was no reason to keep it we sold it. Wrong thing to do! A BMT member in NY bought it, can't remember who. He has a green B model in his avatar but he is not on very often anymore.    .....Hippy  

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm thinking Phelan and Rogers were together at one time

I don't think it's the same Rogers that makes trailers though because they are in Pa



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