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The truck is setting on 11R22.5 wheels. I will look for the transmission tag tonight. 

44 mph isn't really practical. The non-highway roads around here are 55 mph between towns. I'm not out to win races, but no one has patience to follow 44 mph these days.

The first purpose of this truck is to take my grandfather for a ride in it. After that, I want to remove the loader and convert it back to a 5th wheel tractor. Mostly for hauling antique tractors, and maybe logs if I get the sawmill that I want.

The issues I see with the current setup:

-Brakes need redone. 

-Gearing is too low

-A 5th wheel needs to be installed 

-The existing frame extension was not reinforced at all, so I assume that would need done to return the registration to 72.5k combined weight tractor. 

It looks like all of these issues could be resolved at once and probably for cheaper by finding the right cutoff. I'm glad to have all of your help, because I was about to start looking for brake parts that I may not even need.


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31 minutes ago, mowerman said:

looks like you got some pretty good sheet metal,,,which is a big plus,,good luck and welcome aboard,,bob

The roof of the cab is dished from guys climbing of and off of the loader, and there's bondo in places, such as the door bottoms, but it's mostly all there.

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At least around here, cut-off don't come with the center gears, so you are talking cut-off and a matched pair of center sections, possibly axle 1/2 shafts. depending on what you can find.

 If it were me, I would take a careful assessment of what I have now. What if you did all the changing and found the trans was no good? how about the engine?

Look at what you have, decide what is good or could be cheaply fixed. Then decide what stays and what gets replaced.

 From what I can see you have Rockwell stop-master 15" brakes on the rear. Full kits for those can run some bucks, but each and every part can be purchased individually. It may only need seals, shoes, and chambers with the rest cleaning up.

If your present rear suspension/housing/brakes can be brought to good condition for little money, that leaves more money for finding gear sets with a ratio more to your needs.

Buying a cut-off and rear gears, having it welded in and reinforced, will soak up some serious cash, if you then find the trans has to be changed, that is more money you didn't plan on. If the same model trans can't go back that mean new driveshafts and the list goes on.

 Spend the time now, to assess the condition and make a plan, including finding out the exact price of the parts you need. Don't look at prices for any rear gear-set, look to see what the set you need will cost.

Not assessing and making plan is how the best intentions go off the rails. People get so deep in and find they need serious bucks for something they didn't plan on having to replace. That is how some of these end up as a "pile of parts".

Edited by Geoff Weeks

l read a book titled "The Hoffa Wars" a long time ago. At the end there were a few ideas as to were Jimmy Hoffa went after he disappeared. One thought he was put in a 55 gallon drum and shipped on a Gateway Transportation truck to an unknown destination. Wonder if this might be the truck they were talking about?    .....Hippy  

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