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3 hours ago, Mark T said:

And here I was thinking that the flight suits for pregnant (persons) was all BS.   Is it me . or have so many of these events been the story line from episodes of Law & Order ?

"A Piper Cherokee, depending on its specific model and category, can typically withstand a maximum G-force of +3.8 G in normal category operations, while some models in the utility category may be certified for up to +4.4 G; meaning that is the maximum load factor it can handle before structural damage could occur"

I learned to fly in a Cherokee. I took my check ride in one to get my license. If I was to compare it to a car it's the 72 Chevy nova of the airplane world. I flew with an instructor that was a bomber pilot in Vietnam, he showed me what a 3 G maneuver feels like. I thought my spine was going to blow out. Imagine suddenly being 3 times your weight because that is exactly what it is.

Now think of a military aircraft that is capable of many more G forces, not to mention negative G forces.

Is that something you want to expose an unborn baby to? These people are insane.



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4 hours ago, Joseph Cummings said:

"A Piper Cherokee, depending on its specific model and category, can typically withstand a maximum G-force of +3.8 G in normal category operations, while some models in the utility category may be certified for up to +4.4 G; meaning that is the maximum load factor it can handle before structural damage could occur"

I learned to fly in a Cherokee. I took my check ride in one to get my license. If I was to compare it to a car it's the 72 Chevy nova of the airplane world. I flew with an instructor that was a bomber pilot in Vietnam, he showed me what a 3 G maneuver feels like. I thought my spine was going to blow out. Imagine suddenly being 3 times your weight because that is exactly what it is.

Now think of a military aircraft that is capable of many more G forces, not to mention negative G forces.

Is that something you want to expose an unborn baby to? These people are insane.


That's the first time I've ever heard that. It's an interesting thing. Not that I researched it or went out of my way to see it, but I had seen a few things about the pregnant flight suits. The idiots advocating for that nonsense never said a peep about any of that.  This is one of Lord knows how many examples of the lunacy that was going on.......but DON'T tell anybody.

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