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I'm rebuilding the normally aspirated 711 engine in my B61, and have found some concerning stuff. The rim around the bowl on all 6 pistons have small cracks in them, and the tops of several pistons are glazed. It looks to me that they've gotten really hot at some point. The engine is original and it's just a hobby truck now. The engine ran fairly well, but had some issues I wanted to fix. It has had one head, one connecting rod, and 2 pistons replaced at some point in the past, and the engine looks like it's been together for a long time since the last rebuild. I checked the pump initial timing before disassembly, and it was 29 deg (I think 28 is the original spec). I checked the timing and duration (full throttle) for each cylinder in the pump, and they all looked very good to me. This engine has the syncrovance. Oil pressure was always very good, and crank end play is good, so I'm not taking the crank out. I will be putting in new pistons, rings, rod bearings, and heads. Liners are good. I have not had the injectors tested yet, but I will be getting that done also. Does anyone have any thoughts on the issues with the pistons that were in it? I've heard that these engines had high cylinder temperatures when they were new that caused head and valve problems, but I don't know if those issues would be anything I would have to worry about just playing around taking it to shows. Oh, and it has the original oil bath air cleaner on it. I plan on putting a pyrometer on it just to keep an eye on things. Maybe what I've found is no big deal and was common for these things back in the day from hard use (this truck was used to pull a water tanker I believe), but if the timing needs to be changed or something, I'd appreciate any guidance or advice you guys can give me. Thanks in advance for any help!  

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