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Can anybody tell me what years the E 9 440 hp was used.Was the 440,450,and 500 hp all the same,except for the pump settings?.I just got a real nice 1988 Superliner,it has the 440 in it,trying to see if the 440 was still used in 1988 or not.I drove it home on Sunday about 500 miles,there was no stopping it.I am sure it will out run my 2005 pete with a 475 cat acert,almost sure my 58 B 81 with the 673 will out run the cat.


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I'm not much on the 998 V-8 history,but here's what little I do know.The E9 first came out in '79-'80 as the ENDT1000 rated at 400 hp.When Superliner and Cruiseliner production moved to PA from CA is about the time they renamed them the E9 and that's when the 440 hp version came out.Just like the 672 in. block engines,the E9's are all basically the same,just subtle differences to give the different hp ratings.A friend of mine has a late '84 RWS722 and he has it currently putting out 700hp to the ground.The 450 and 500 hp versions came out with the SuperlinerII introduction in '85.Before production was halted,the E9 was available in Australia rated a 610 hp.

Now tell us what in the world are you doing with a '05 Pete????????????

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think the injection pumps were differnt on th e9s also..earlier ones had a split pump and laters ahd ainline vesrion of ap7100 bosch..i know how to do those and my freidns family hada 95 cl700 with a 500 hp ep that had the inline pump..i looked at a older superliner i think it was a88-90 and it had 500hp e9 but it had a split injection pump ie 4 lines in a row and themn another 4 lines in a row ..if i remeber the split pump had the plungers or barrels set in a v...any body have info on them?...



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  • 6 months later...

what models had what type of inj pump.. i may look at a truck with apossible bad e9 500 hp in it i was thinking if i can get it cheap to swap into my '58 B81SX.that would be nice ..but I amsort scaryed at teh price of th eparts and if it was agood or bad engine..i am pretty familar witheth inline pump style inj pumps so what years or model of e9s came with them?



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Well this is what I think I know

in 88 mack had 450 500 V8 and the 400 was to be a E6

call mack with your vin# 440s last year was 84

In line pump started 1990 give or take but if want it to have BIG HORSE got to have v-pump

rpm is 1200 to 1700 and 2300 red line

640 to ground before i sold mine (still kick myself for that one)



Thanks for hearing me out.

You can have the soap box now---------JIM

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oh man I let a superliner with e9 vee pump triaxle lowbed tractor go last year it was cheap..argh it was clean too, no rust and nice paint...full locker rears too argh...oh well I'll have to see what this other e9 has for a pump.



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In the 90's the e9 was equiped with the bosch pump ( the in-line pump) before that it was the v-pump ( which are the better ones they have bigger fuel barrels to deliver more fuel hense more power).The first E9 came out in 79 bought by Jr.Collins (buckeye bulldog) . Horsepower is amazing not many know but mack made some E9's for military use when my dad went to mack school in the late 80's he recieved a brochure on them . They made four models each different horsepower just by stacking turbos and adding fuel the end result was 1000 horsepower.. I say the brochure the other day in the shop ill dig it up and get it on here for you guys. If you have an E9 get the overhaul book on Ebay thats where i got mine for $30 it tells u everything.


E9-400 400@1700


E9-450 450@1800

E9-500 500@1900


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mumn I coulda swore that my old boss's CL E9 500 had the inline bosch pump like a p7100 style...i t had a air throttle.. his was the last year they made the E9 I forgot if it was a '95 or a'98, but could be very wrong.. so the v pump was the later models and had bigger barrels so it has more power potential..cool..mummn ..tax return is coming I got to see if what that E9 I have seen has.. is that LT mack witheth E( the only B or L model that some one has swapped a E9 into?.. I haven't Heard of any E9's in a B model..only the older v8 engines. Does any one know of any others?...I wonder if a B-81sx has a radiator that will handle it.. That L model has asmall radiator too....i figure the trans has to be swapped...any ideas..?



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  • 2 weeks later...

They also made a EM9 400 That is what the valve cover says on our 82 Superliner V8.

Now Im going to have to disagree.... If you want the BIG horsepower you want the Bosch "Inline 8" pump.... The old Bosh V-pumps do deliver more fuel stock and are MUCH MUCH easier to turn the fuel up then an Inline 8 is, but change the injector in an inline 8 and you have a WORLD of difference. If you look at all the V8 mack pro truck pullers they all have Inline 8 pumps (most of them came from Mack Engineer Steve Trevitz from Mack Hagerstown, MD).

The main difference between a 400, 440, 450, 500 are timing setting, injector size, and turbos. They are all pretty much the same block.

If you look at the 610 Australian V8 the pump is a little different as well Im not completely sure but I believe it is somewhat electrical. Hagerstown, MD has a 610 V-8 in a CL test truck

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The V-Pump will make you smoke more and is easier to turn the fuel and rpms up all it takes is a bigger spring. We have been involved w/ v8's for many years and have pulled for many years since 82. We have had more success HP wise w/ the inline...we know Collins and mack Engineer Steve Trevitz who makes most of the parts for the Collins teams. Ask any of them Sanders, Collins, Bojac, Thunderdog Team, the Australian Titan V8 drag truck, etc they all have the inline pump...you do not need to buy the billet pump

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ok thats more along what i thought..i know the inline pump is nice and for the cummins b series i know how to tweakem ..mess with the rack stop plate and d- valves etc.. so i figured th einline probably has similar stuff in it..mumn how compareable are the older v8s 2 valves e9..i heard they break often ..any ideas?..i may have a lead on some early 2valve v8s i think those were th e864 or 865's right?


still looking for a good repower for the b-81..its coming home this sat.



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  therabbittree said:

ok thats more along what i thought..i know the inline pump is nice and for the cummins b series i know how to tweakem ..mess with the rack stop plate and d- valves etc.. so i figured th einline probably has similar stuff in it..mumn how compareable are the older v8s 2 valves e9..i heard they break often ..any ideas?..i may have a lead on some early 2valve v8s i think those were th e864 or 865's right?


still looking for a good repower for the b-81..its coming home this sat.



Leave it STOCK!!! :thumb:

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